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Creativity is contagious, so we think working alone is a waste. We do not think of ourselves as individuals, for each project we compose a collective of outstanding people who share our enthousiasm. We do not merely execute scripts, we can even help brands to co-create. Some of our most recent work was a close collaboration of the brand, a creative team and us.


We love to work in collaboration with agencies and directly with brands.


Visual content on the internet is exponentially growing each year. It is an amazing playground ! We work on films, photos, moving stills, multimedia content, ... From the simplest project to the most complex one: You name it, Uncle Bob does it.

Interested? Shoot us a message or give us a call.

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meet the team

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Leen Van den Brande


+32 - 486 - 25.92.26

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Johan Delissen


+32 - 495 - 18.46.72

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Office dog

I mostly sleep all day so can not answer your call but you can call Leen or Johan

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